高效达成目标五步法:世界第一对冲基金的思维管理技术 [视频]课程介绍:
高效达成目标五步法:世界第一对冲基金的思维管理技术 [视频]
教程大小: 367 MB
第01课 五步法之(一)拥有目标和热情
I think for everybody,| ) s d A in order to be successful, there are fA S I k f X 6 Oive steps that you g; ^ v #o through essentially g L
我认为,为了获得成功每个人在根本上都必& f J ^ @须洞穿5个步骤
But everybody has their goals
What is their goal and passion
So you\ 9 E have goals
你也有你的目标; / _ \
And then what happens is you re going after your goals and you encounter your problems
有了n Y C z s 5 u目标之后就会发生这样的事情,你追求目标,你会遇到你的问题
具体 可测量 兴奋 现实 时效
达里奥的5步:1目标 2问题 3诊断 4设计 5执行
第02课 五步法之(二)发现问题和错误
【1】 So encountering problems, an5 5 w , =d then the big difference between people is how they approach those pr
遇到问题N l i I X p之后,人们之间巨大的差别在于如何解决这些问题
【2】 People wu K a Nho get bummed out by the problems don’t learn from iY 2 gt
【3】 Who learns froy 3 4 k H )m them?
谁能从问题中学到东西呢W @ s M G?
【4】 Sothose who recognized the pro0 L *blemsare exciting that they get into those1 – ^ ? problems or mi& ; ? B 4 v ,stakes.
是那些识别到问题就感到激动兴奋,并且投身于解决这些问题q L z或错误的人
【5】 Mistakes are learnin) ? F %g experiences
【6】 The pain that comes from that mistake, every t: l \ R @ n R 4ime you have pain it’s an indication that something is at odds
痛苦源于错误,每次你感到a d ? 4 j N ^痛苦,都说明某些事不合
【7】 So theV v t r G # g peopleT X ( X J : H g y who have the pain are the people then who will go into that and realize that if they solve that\ + q i Q X pain, solve that problem.
understand] 2 ; & } i A what that is representative of–not just the. ) + # one probP W 8 rlem -bute ! c a that problem is a certain type of problem that will happen over and over anc.ver
所以那些感到痛苦的人,就会探究并认识到如果他们解决了痛苦,解决了问题,懂得这些问题不仅仅是单一的问题,而是代表着将H ; R = [ : 6 s b会在你生命中反反复复出现的类
【8】 And if you can solve,” How do i deal with tL N / f + ` ] 3 what kiK 2 X r + qnd of problem?
解决一个,能力就长一分;解决(学到)一个) 0 S n,等于解决(学到)成干上万个。
第03课 五步法之(三)诊断问题抵达问题根源
【1】 The third t\ w (hingE A g & – that everybody needs to do is, if they have problems on the way to their goals, that they diagnose tG N e H [hose problems and tk = J [ f Fhey get to the root
每个P 6 W P ) = W u人都要做到R + u M y & [的第三件事情是,如果在通往他们目标的道路上遇到问题,他们诊断问题并目抵达根本原因,真正的根本原因
【2】 The real root cause is often -is td 3 Z s 7 o ]ypically -what people he` O V R 3 ^ Vy are like
【3】 Can you go to what youe l _ I re like?
【4】 Can you go to your mistakes?
你能直面g \ n你的错误吗?
【5】 Can you go to your weaknesses?
你} ^ )能自面Q b ` ? 5 b – G你的阔点吗?
【6】 Can you go to other people’ s mistakD 4 pes and weakness?
【7】 Some people, because of ego b) \ = |arrier, can t do that
【8】 So if they don’t recogL c Tnize their ownJ + X t % mistakew 4 w Ys, their own weaknesses or otherW e : 0 ; H : U P’s mistakes and weak_ d W Z } Gnesses- what the root ca( o Euse may be ao 7 i l ; ] Jnd whai ] b C d l M }t they re like because of ego barriers- if they cant go there, they re going to repeat thoh r ` N ] )se mistakes
所以,如果他们不能认识到他们自身的错误,他们自身的弱点,或者不能认识到别人的错误和弱点—因自我意识障碍而不清楚自己到底是怎样的h w :、不清楚根本原因是什么里,他们就将重复扣这些错误。
【9】 Theyre going to havq L p # G H ^ ye them over and over again.
【10】 So it’s the process essentially of saying, at that stage What am I lke?
【11】 Everybody has strengths and evk D | S 5 G X 4erybody ha. [ _ 4s weaknesses
每个人都有强项,e m q @ p i每个人也都有弱点
【12】 The weaknesses are the other side of the strengths
【13】 So let’/ o o * K E W Ms say if you’re a right brain/creative person, you may not bV f Se reh# ) 8 i Z xab
所以,如果你是一个右脑思考的,创造型的人,你可^ & E d能并不可靠
【14】 Because just the way you think necessitates you to think a certain way, that means you cant think in another way
因为,正是你思考的方式使得你以特走的方式思考,那意味V & o着你不会用另一种方式思考
【15】 That means you’re going to keep bumping into that t` u d 0 Q @ f jhing that’ s standing in your way
【16】 But unless you can embrace, T’m not reliable, right, and deal with it, you won’t get around it_ F A w.
非你直面“我并$ D t z不可靠“,并目解决这个问题,否则J , t 5 B \你永远统不
【17】 s stll going to contin8 T 0 oue to be a barier.
【18】 So the diagnosis to the root cause is im7 l Zportant.
第04课 五步法之(四)设计方法
【1】 So then if you diagnose, then you have to design what you are going to do about itq n K 4 B.
【2】 That works.d ` ! L u S f p G
【3】 So let’7 v U s say you are very creative but not reliable
所以,i G C S L – t , |假如你非常具有创告性但并不可韋。
【4】okay, you havc ^ / ! ue to find the means of first of al‖
embracin} Q # r ] _ kg that, and then saying, If I’m not r0 r U / z ` , G yeliable what do 1? Do I work with a reliable person? Do I learn ability? Do I have some compensating mechanism?
那么,你必须B F g发现方& w % s B法,首要的是直面它,然后问自如果我不可韋,我孩怎么办?我在跟一个可的人一起工作吗?我在学习变得可阜吗?我有T m a M W哪些抵消这些弱点的机制吗?
【5】 Because can t let that lack of re5 9 7 . ? eliability stand in way of my go
因为我不能让“缺乏可靠性”挡在我达成目f w W 4 6标的道路
【6` ~ ; ] { \ S + {】 As long as I keep doing that I’ m going to keep running inQ = \ P J i & Pto problems
第05课 五步法之(# j m五)贯彻实施
【1】 So you havz ` \ N [e to design what yK A u ( – G q C Qou do about the problems
【2】 And then when you’re designing what to do about the problems, you have to follow iH 9 [ f @ a _t through
并且当你再设计如何解决可题时,你必须贯彻执行。m = A ? G . _
【3】 You have to follow through, or do the thing you design
【4】 Doing the thing you design requires self-disciplY B b r r + $ k 6ine and so on
执行你的设计需要8 f n自律,还有其他
只有严格执行计a ] j \划,才能发现错误;
只有尽快发现错误,才能快. ! ` ^ ] 0 Q速进步!
需L \ e F |要对自己感到好奇。
第06课 五步法之持续迭代
【1】 People have to do those things in order to be successful.
是i Z M &不是?
【3】 They hR – q F – \ave to know what their goal= w n A | 5 8 cs arK _ k k V + ( Xe
(4) They havek q G i _ ? to diagnose theirB T 3 i b q / – f problem! g is down to the root cause, the real root cause
【g / A u $ c 55】 They have to design ways to get around them, and then they have to have the self-d= r M e u n O 7 Hiscipline to follow that
他们必须围绕这些真正的根本原因设计途径] – B T _ F,并且他们必须自律地去执行。
【6】 It’s a cos { s ^ l 5 =ntiT Z T | # x t ~nuous iterative process
【7】 So that’s what we keep doing
【8】 I would say that all of the shapers are doing
我确信,所有的塑造者都在2 \ d I d q R q o这样做
【9】 So they don’ t mind t9 ` 2 g * ; :he problems
【10】That’ s their adventure
【11】 A wonderful book is Eint N } t .stein= 2 ^ 4 C & [ [ U’ s Mistakes
有一本非常精彩的书,《因斯坦的错误6 7 \ T 8 1》
【12】 You hear hisL U ~ r struggles
你能听k x R D i _到他的挣扎
(13) He wouldn’ t have been cutting-edge, he woux ^ :ldn t have been inve{ Q Tntive if he didn’ t go through that
【14】 So when you’ re looking at the personality characteristi} D d V – N m Q tcs, the pep & \ D trN s 4 C ( * (sonality characteristics lend themselves to doing that five-step process well
第07课 要真正的理解而不要教条
【1】 You could have a tremendous tenacity, but you’re studyi2 w J z \ng you’re learning, you’re trying to memorize and remember verything that you’re being taught and you’re really trying hQ 1 / 3ard
你本可以坚韧不拔,你在研究,你在学习,i r u你在尝试牢记那些所教你的东西,你非常努力
【2】 You could have great tq / * e Genacity.
你本Q 4 _ i # M可以坚忍不拔。
【3】 You need the making sense of something, youh R \ ( z need to embrace reality.
【4】 You need these other dimensions.
是不3 H W l C + A Z是?
【6】 So i think the thin{ [ ] vgs that we started to talk about jus before, the things that these people have a need for is. First, they need to-most fundamentally -make sense of t1 * O s Y 5 0 Bhings, which is ery different kind of learning
【7】 It’s a very intemalze5 O , + Pd leaming process
【8】 It’s not a memory-bay Q } E p P l T Csed process
【9】 So none of these pe\ | 0 K % d Eople-unU { @ 5bke the population as a whole -none of these people have a desire to follow
第08课 实现究竟如何运作
【1】 For most peo3 5 O .ple, you go to school, they tell you what cla. 2 | l z Ess to go to, what classes to take
【2】 This goes on/ = v all the way through university
【3】”Do this, do this, do this. and then you go into the class and they say, “Learn this, and, ” This is the information, and it’s a largely memory-based and iE W c M U onstructional-based process
【4】 This is not what these people do. Rightf 6 &?
【5】 This is not
【6】 So the path, what thef p wy have is a strong, strong desire to understand and make sense of realit
所以,他们(塑造者)所| . c 0 x a x E走的道路,就是理解和弄消楚现实的强之又强u X x ! |的渴望
【7】 How d~ 1 u ] = ) q j noes real` ~ $ z \ity work?
【8】 So they re all very inder } 4 1 d j A Upendent-thinki1 a c v 1 X B lng and, and rebellious
他们) & ^ _ B –非常独立地思考,并且具有反叛精神
【9】 They don’ t mind saying, ” Screw you. This is what nakes senseX M = o q , 0 ] ~ and I’ve got to go do, . 7 5wnM o N = l ; 5 : ( that path
他们不介意说,”去你的,这才是合情合理的,我必须1 ! x r k & : D S沿着此路走下去。
没有任何人能2 % P X O [ Z T证明,你不可以是干万富翁亿万高翁
第09课 犯错即是放松
【1】 They re comfortable with ambiguity
他n u l X r u &们对不明确的事感到舒服
【2】 They love ambiguity
【3】 Some people da a :on’t like ambiguity
【4】 Most people, they say,” m nerous about
【5】 They lovE * 7 M ` – @ &e to go in the space of what’s ambiguous beR @ U k ;cause thats where the~ O e t e 6 } discovery is
【6】 They love making mistakes, the process, they understand~ _ T } t c thad r ` o 3 ht maJ d \ cking mistakes- you know, loosen
第10课 犯错即学习
【1】O j S V 6 h s like yy t ` k e M wou’re going to ski or something
【2】 You cant learn how t, d m b T $o ski unless you’re falling
【3】 So they don’t mind the falling
【4】 TheC 6 U ?y’ re not embarrassed about making mistakes
【5】 Theyn X ) C i W [ | re not wo) @ j rrried also about the approval of others
第11课 从错误和失败中学习
So many people are constantly saying, Oh well, nsk
The wholv a e 5 #e different definition of nisk- what’s risky?
这两类人对危险的X P B )定义迥然不同,什么是危险?
Theyre not worried about what people think of them, ngh@ ? 0 rt?
Is that risk7 ` r $ p V or fao x | % `ilure?
The termB } Z # of failure is a totallE m W $ #y differF n 5 : & A f @ kent thing
Fa| P 0 Z F . Lilure is part of a learning process. Right?
失败是学习过程的一部分,q – n对不对?
What’s the nsk of failure?
Wh[ \ k sat, you” be embarrassed?
RIsk of failre?
Ho? E hw do you distinguish failure from leamin, a y e | S kg?
In your who` ] y v fle life, failure”implies that it stop( # 4 } ( yped, that the game stops.
If it s part of a You’re failing and then you leam, then that of the mong forwar
So that is what the process is like
第12课 失败、学习、进步
【1】Fai, learn, move forward
【2】 And constantly do that, because you re cutting-edge
【3】o W T D ( ) & / &You’ re going where people haven’ t been before. in inventiveness
【4】 That’s exciting to those peop
这些人(塑! i – Q J造者)对此感到兴奋。
【5】 So that’s a different kind of approach to
【6】 ts a different way of being
一种不同的存B $ 2 l $ 1 X % a在方式
第13课 自我障碍是最严重的问题
【1】 I think that the ego barrier is the worst problem
我认为自\ i g { H C我障碍是最严重的问题
【2】 This iso k 0 going to take a few minutes
【3】 People are so attached to being right, and yet the ragedy is9 3 3 \ f n it could be so/ 7 F g Q G C m easy to find out how you’re wrong
【4】 If you just said to yourself, “I’M / u I [ $ jm not sure that I’m right, and let me goq 1 z P E fY } 7 yind people who have alternative point of views and let me have quality
如果\ ~ H x ! V B –你只这样对自己说,“我不确定我是对的,让我找一些不同观点的人,让我有一些高质量的对话
【5】 Not to pay atteC { ; E P l v Bntion to theiJ x # p x 0 # H 7r conclusions, b) E + V e I D ] gut to the process
【6】 So thoughtful discussion, worrying about being wr6 w Rong but not to the sense of being paralyzed
【7】 Or moving forward, but in the sense o. 7 Gf trying to create discovery, to have an et D , 3 a kxchange
或者前行,9 W , [ K ( ! e B某种意义上是在创建发现,来作为交换
【8】 Togo after the person who has theD J Z B W V V I W mos p W 7 C u 6 / Gst dj / 5 9ifferent point of view, who is the most thoughtful, and then hx t C dave a conversation to see their point of view
去追求那些具有极其不同观点的人,那些思D y $ 3 I d r j I想最有深度的人,然后与他们对话、看清他们的观点。
(9) Whe) I 1 b 1 Bther a person could be both open-minded and assertive at the same time, that createsd T c / v _ ! q a d+ T 8 @ 8 U + !iscovery个人是否既: b x B 5 t Y E虛心又自信,是创造发现过程的关键
【10】 It creates a; 5 n : o fabulous learning.
【11】 That process itselfreduces the probability of being wrong and produces a great6 ` s D h deal of learning
第W @ 2 K V14课 人如此沉醉于自以为是
【1】 Peq $ 7 U t 3 wople are so hung up on being
【2】 Starting their discussion and deriving some sort of satisfaction if, at the end of the discussioX 9 3 2 Q O ? Xn, they were where they
他们开启了交N % _ B N R流,产生了一些满足,交流结束后,他们仍在讨论的起点
【3】 That doesn’t make any sens5 h E & s K : :e, because there’s not going to be any learning
那么这交流毫无意义$ : _,因为在这个过程中没有任何学习x B j J & m ? K。
【4】 So ego plays an important role in that
这个p . Q D O ,过程中,自我扮演着重要角色。
【5】 The people that feel like. ” I’m good. Iwe got it, “wont learn
如果感到,“我还不错,我M d – ` p已经搞定了”则将一无所获
【6】 If you’we got It, yo! & M M ] | j 5 Ku won’t learn
【7; i j + D } t ;】 So you have to get rid oJ | ; ; b !f this ego barrier, “Ive got it ” thing
所以D A D e | 7你必须摆脱自我蹄碍,摆脱“我搞定了”的感觉。
【a】 Every human being has weaknesses
每个人a ; 6都有弱点
【9】And, as I say, it’s the opposite side of thin
第01课 五步法之(一) 拥有目标和热情 |
第02课 五步法之(二) 发现问题和错误 |
第03课 五步法之(三) 诊断问题抵达问题根源 |
第04课 五步法之(四) 设计方法 |
第05课 五步法之(五) 贯彻+ ` N 3 ^实施 |
第06课 五步法之持续迭代 |
第j – v B J07课 要真正的理解而不要教条 |
第08课 实现究竟如何运作 |
第09课 犯错即是放松f t ( , |
第10课 犯错即学习 |
第11课 从错误和失败t h _ n [ = V s E中学习 |
第12课 失败、学习、进步 |
第13课 自我障碍是最严重的问题 |
第14课 人如此沉醉于自以为是= E X T M |
第15课 达成目标五步法实战案例解析 |
第16课 动作慢下来,快速实现目标 |